"Marrakech explosion,"..... seen and heard about last night,
made me want to put out a peaceful image from the city.
It is taken last autumn in a park in the city centre.
Hi there! Welcome to my online blog. I will keep some of my photo related work and memories here, and add "bits and pieces" that you might find interesting. Thanks for dropping by!
A very different image from today news. I'd like to post it, do you remember the month?
SvarSlettIt was taken in October 2010.
SvarSlettVery peaceful indeed. Great shot.
SvarSlettThe photo puts me at peace.
SvarSlettA fine composed image, the man, the paper, the elaborate bench.
SvarSlettNo sabia nada , al estar de vacaciones no sigi las noticias. Gracias. Un saludo
SvarSlettNice and very peaceful image!
SvarSlettThe bench is beautiful.
That is a peaceful scene. I like the fancy bench.
SvarSlettThank you so much for your lovely comment on my post on The Flower Bed ....
Marjo's Cosy Corner