The owner is the one who is on the "photo" on the window.
Creative and smart way to advertise for this nice place!
Hi there! Welcome to my online blog. I will keep some of my photo related work and memories here, and add "bits and pieces" that you might find interesting. Thanks for dropping by!
Well, Hello!
SvarSlettThanks for your comment earlier. I actually know of a gal stateside with your name too.
I know Gunn is a clan name in Scotland...... but here in Scandinavia it is a persons first name. It is not that common anymore, most people I have met with the same name, are Swedish. ... But my Grandmother Gudrun, who got 7 grandchildren, managed to be the reason why 3 of us ended up with names starting with G.--
SvarSlettHei Gunn! Kaffee med tarta?! Jeg er halv norsk og halv svensk. Min fars besteforaldrar kom fra Eidsvoll til Amerika. Min mormor kom fra en by utan for Ornskoldsvik i nor-Sverige til Amerika. Jeg har last pa St. Olaf College. Ha det sa koselig! Hilsen fra Hagen med EAGAN daily photo in Minnesota, USA